Tuesday 2 September 2014

Sexism in Schools (+ How to Tackle It)


I've noticed lately that there are streams of articles regarding sexism in the workplace, but what about in school environments? Not only by boys in their "get back in the kitchen" teenage phases, but teachers and authority figures too.

Today I had my first day back at school and was greeted by a lesson in which we decided which sport course we wanted to take. I say "wanted" very loosely, we were gently forced. The ladies were granted the choice of courses involving yoga, "Legs, Bums & Tums", Zumba, etc. or general sports games. The boys were offered boxing and weight lifting or the same general sports games.  I am personally interested in the course I was offered, however, this does not mean that I was not offended. For everyone.

As girls we are automatically being influenced into the idea that we need to tone our bodies, lose weight and chill out. The boys are persuaded to believe that they need to be muscled balls of rage. Not to mention the fact that the groups could not be mixed because the two sexes cannot be at the same level and ability, obviously!

How can it be 2014 and people that are in charge of influencing our generation still enforce gender roles into impressionable youths? What about the girls who genuinely enjoy being tough and strong? What about the boys who have stress issues and can't afford yoga lessons? What about the girls who feel unsafe on the streets and want to protect themselves? What about the non-binary teen who has nowhere to turn?

Have you even seen Rebekah Tiler?

How about schools open their eyes for once and let us have a say?

So, you may ask, how do I attempt to tackle this obvious sexism when I have been taught that I don't have a say in my education?

Stand up! Shout your words out! We have been educated to believe that we need to sit down, be quiet and do what we are told for centuries! My fellow badass ladies, please do something for yourself. Write to your school. Create a petition. Practise your amazing comebacks to the sexist idiots in your class. Yell your opinions. You are powerful and can make miracles, so do it.

Tabitha x

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